Spark a Sustainable Discipleship Movement
It is simple, but not always easy. Everett has been helping parishes all over the country get their staff and volunteers on board to create a discipleship movement in their community. He’d love to help you too.
“Youth ministry, as traditionally carried out, has been significantly affected by social and cultural changes. Young people frequently fail to find in our usual programmes a response to their concerns, their needs, their problems and issues.”
Pope Francis, Christus Vivit, 202.
You’re a Pastor, Youth Minister or DRE
And you want to start a discipleship focused youth ministry.
But change is hard.
Your pastor, youth minister, staff, or parents have to buy in, and that is no small task.
You also don’t know where to start..
How do you find the right volunteers and train them
What is the parent’s role and how do you involve them
What does the youth minister do if you aren’t planning events?
Is your parish wasting time and resources on programs that don’t work?
Your staff is working nights and weekends and they are on a fast track to burnout.
Do you constantly struggle with high staff/volunteer turnover?
Do you struggle to involve parents and get their support?
You don’t have the budget to put on a dynamic “show” every week.
Have you sent your students off to college only to find out later that they aren’t practicing anymore?
Do you feel that there is a better way?
We’ll help you go
from maintenance
to movement
Everett will help you to implement his process to:
Scale back your costly programs
Get staff and key parish leaders on board
Find & train volunteers
Leverage parents
Launch your first 2 small groups
What people are saying

“In two short months after completing our training, we now have 6 groups being formed and nearly 40 teenagers participating!”
Fr. Corey Litzner, Pastor, Sacred Heart Church, L'Anse, MI
“Everett has given us invaluable direction as a Pastorate to help us establish disciple centered youth ministry. The teens attending the small groups are growing in commitment to Christ and their Catholic Faith, and are a witness to the other teens that they have invited to participate. I highly recommend Everett and Andrew Ministries to any parish that is looking to strengthen their youth ministry with meaningful evangelization focused on mentoring life-long Catholic disciples of Jesus Christ.”
— Fr. Richard Gray
Pastor, Our Lady of Sorrows and Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Edgewater, MD
“The Holy Spirit brought Everett to us when we were forming our high school discipleship ministry. The guiding principles he offered were foundational and we still use them today! With his accompaniment, we grew our ministry to over 250 souls by the end of year four! His work has helped transform our school and the lives of our students.”
—Addie Magruder
Graduate Ministries Coordinator, Dowling Catholic High School, Des Moines, IA
Launch the discipleship movement you know your parish needs.
Schedule your 30 minute consultation now.
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