About Us
Helping parishes build better youth ministries for over 15 years.
Everett Fritz is a leading expert in small group discipleship and an advocate for quality youth ministry. He is the author of 4 books, including The Art of Forming Young Disciples and One Disciple at a Time.
Everett has been serving in the trenches of youth ministry for over 15 years. He holds a BA in Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville and an MA in Theology with concentrations in catechesis and evangelization from the Augustine Institute.
Everett Fritz has been a featured speaker on EWTN, Catholic Answers Live, NCYC, Formed, and in dioceses, parishes, universities and schools all over the world.
Everett Fritz founded Andrew Ministries in 2015 After throwing out the program playbook and rebuilding his youth ministry on discipleship small groups, Everett saw a 80% increase in students who stayed Catholic in college. Now he helps ministries all over the country stop spinning their wheels and build ministries that actually work.
We help Catholic youth ministries revitalize their small groups for world-changing, high-growth impact without wasting their time and energy on models that don’t work.
We believe that God’s work is most visible in us — not in textbooks, worksheets, light shows, or sound systems. That’s why small group discipleship ministry works and event-based programs don’t.
We’ve coached countless numbers of ministries like Ablaze Minstries, Ut Fidem at Dowling Catholic High School and the Centro Cattolico Carismatico. We would love to help you too.
What people are saying

“In two short months after completing our training, we now have 6 groups being formed and nearly 40 teenagers participating!”
Fr. Corey Litzner, Pastor, Sacred Heart Church, L'Anse, MI
“Everett has given us invaluable direction as a Pastorate to help us establish disciple centered youth ministry. The teens attending the small groups are growing in commitment to Christ and their Catholic Faith, and are a witness to the other teens that they have invited to participate. I highly recommend Everett and Andrew Ministries to any parish that is looking to strengthen their youth ministry with meaningful evangelization focused on mentoring life-long Catholic disciples of Jesus Christ.”
— Fr. Richard Gray
Pastor, Our Lady of Sorrows and Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Edgewater, MD
“The Holy Spirit brought Everett to us when we were forming our high school discipleship ministry. The guiding principles he offered were foundational and we still use them today! With his accompaniment, we grew our ministry to over 250 souls by the end of year four! His work has helped transform our school and the lives of our students.”
—Addie Magruder
Graduate Ministries Coordinator, Dowling Catholic High School, Des Moines, IA
Our Values
When Christ illuminates the life that’s possible for us, we are never the same. His grace pulls back the veil so we can see His Spirit alive in the world. Suddenly, we notice a joy radiating from those who have been transformed; we are awakened to the brokenness of our past; we realize how desperately we need a Savior. We have seen the wonder of life with Christ, so we resolve to lean on our relationship with Him and cling to the hope of His transforming love.
God’s work is most visible in us — not in textbooks or worksheets. That’s why we lead with vulnerability in our ministry and relationships. Only when we let others in can we discover that we are loved beyond our brokenness. Though it can be uncomfortable to pull back the veil on our lives, it is the way of discipleship and true transformation. The way we live gives witness to what we have seen, so we never let our actions give false testimony. We know from experience that when we fearlessly share the love of God incarnate in our lives we help others be open to the work of God in them.
Jesus’ preaching isn’t what changed the world. (In fact, that’s part of what got Him killed.) Our Church exists because Jesus saw the potential in Simon and invested in his transformation over the long haul. That’s why we leave the 99 for the sake of the one. Every person is worth knowing deeply, from their important moments to their mundane days to their messy realities. We love big by keeping our circle small — that way, no one can hide among the crowd. We ask real questions, enjoy each others’ company, and reach the masses by loving the few in front of us.
There’s a reason Jesus sent out His disciples two-by-two: He knows that we aren’t meant to carry our crosses alone. We know what an honor it is to be let into the suffering of another person’s life, and we take that responsibility seriously by remaining by their side through it all. The sweetest victories are the ones that no one else can see fully, because they were earned in the dark, quiet hours of heartbreak that come before the joyful dawn. We can experience resurrection together because we’ve walked through death together.
When you know abundant life with Jesus and His people, “the way we’ve always done it” just doesn’t cut it. No rigid agenda can ever map out the transformation of a human heart, so we commit ourselves to the dynamism of discipleship. We live our Church’s tradition, not just learn it; we seek the Spirit of the Lord that gives freedom and corrects us when we stray. We love for the long haul — even if it takes an entire lifetime — so that we can spend eternity rejoicing together.
the Uncommon Disciple
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